Tuesday, October 15, 2013

He loves Her

"Take me with you." She whispered with her head pressed against his chest. He couldn't see, the world couldn't see the needing hidden in her eyes. Her very soul needed him to just say yes. She'd never been so in love.

"You know I can't..." He replied, just a little to loud, "You know I can't." He whispered again, only the wind heard the tone on his voice. It matched the look in her eyes.

He's 20, she's 18 and finishing school...

He's going away, to travel the world, to learn, to explore.

He can't do that to her, he loves her too much. He won't.

"Why?" She pleaded, tears dampening his shirt.

He knew if he answered he'd sweep her up in his arms and carry her away. Away from HIM, away from the pain, away from the tears, away from her fears and from her horror... Away from her education, away from her opportunity, away from her future.

He winced, "You know why." Because I love you.

"I don't... you know I don't." She couldn't hold it in, she started shaking.

"You have to go to school, you have to--" His voice gave out and he hugged her to him, tighter, stronger, more urgent.

"I could go to school where you're going." She would not let him go without her. She couldn't. It'd kill her to watch him go.

"It won't be the same... you need to stay to learn, to have a normal life, to live with your fam---"

"My Family?" She interrupted. "You won't take me because you want me to live with my family?!"

"I know it's lame but--"

She sat up and untangled herself from him. "I can't stay here, you know I can't." She looked into the stars, they reflected in her eyes, and she reflected in his.

"I know." He sighed, he was her protector, her friend, her only love; and they both knew it.

He reached for her, his heart needing her against him again, where she belonged. Her spot next to him was her home, and she might not have known it, but when she was home, there was no where else he'd rather be.

He kissed her, tender, sweet, demanding, urgent, longing.

Their lips broke apart.

"Take me with you," She whispered, her eyes fluttering closed, dreaming of a life with him.

He closed his eyes, envisioning that same dream, that same necessity.

"Take me with you..."


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