Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Reasons Why I Can't Tell The Guy I Like That I Like Him

1.  He might not like me back.

2.  It might make our friendship awkward.

3.  He might think I'm creepy

4.  He might totally reject me

5.  I'm scared of a broken heart

6.  What if he does like me back? Then what do I do? Does that mean I'll be dating him?

7.  I don't really want to "date" anyone

8.  I really like being his friend

9.  If we know about each other then will we still be able to laugh as much as we do now?

10.He's like my very best friend

11. If I tell him then will he still be able to have fun and tease me as much as he does now?

12. He might like me back…

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