Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Glazed Eyes. Empty Hearts.

Glazed eyes walk like robots from class to class.
I clutch my bag like it's the last thing that will keep me alive, will keep me from catching the insensitivity.
Empty hearts skip a beat when I say they're still alive.
I plant my feet firmly to keep from falling through the floor, I'm falling with the floor, it's all falling.
I will never run fast enough. Each step clunks, if I don't clunk then I'll get lost, get gone.
They lost themselves so long ago, they lost their hearts, their eyes unfeeling.
Will. Be different. Must. Stay sane. Drive. Far away. Speak. No one can hear. Smile. It hurts.
My hands are covered in glaze... it's dripping, seeping into my soul.
I will not be a robot. I will not deplete the fire. I must stay sane.
Tears, not water, not salty. Sweet. I'm crying the glaze. It got to me.
My body fights. My soul will not give in. I cannot give in.
Don't touch me, you're infected.
Let me love you, please, don't give in.
They can't make me, they made you, they won't make me.
Not when my tears cry out the only thing that holds you captive.
It doesn't agree with me it's not a part of my nature. It's the opposite of what I am. They can't make me be what they want me to be.
I'm not afraid. I'm not a pawn.
The glaze tries. It's trying now.
Stop. Go read something. Stop. Go type something. Stop. Glue it into your soul. Stop.
Speak. I can't hear the sound of my own voice.
Yell. Is there glaze in my ears too?
Scream. There's something there.
Louder. I can hear my self again. The glaze tickles as it slides down my face.
I didn't give up. They did. They spoke and couldn't hear so they gave up.
It trickled down their throats and into their hearts.
Bloodstreams corrupted. Gone. Wasted away.
Glazed eyes walk like robots.
Empty hearts skip a beat.
They're still alive.


  1. "My body fights. My soul will not give in. I cannot give in.
    Don't touch me, you're infected.
    Let me love you, please, don't give in.
    They can't make me, they made you, they won't make me."

    This was amazing. Really glad I found your blog.
