Tuesday, November 26, 2013

How To Read a Book

Step 1: Get in  the car and drive to the bookstore.

Step 2: Once in the bookstore roam aimlessly, judge books by the cover

Step 3: Find an interesting looking one.

Step 4: Open the cover and turn to chapter 10.

Step 5: Scan it... If it looks promising, tuck the book under your arm and walk to the front counter

Step 6: Pay for the book and walk to your car

Step 7: Drive home

Step 8: Once home find a comfortable, quiet spot to settle down

Step 9: Settle down

Step 10: Open the book to the first page

Step 11: Skip to the fist chapter

Step 12: GET LOST.


  1. Step 2: Once in the bookstore roam aimlessly, judge books by the cover

    Step 11: Skip to the fist chapter

    sad, but those steps are very vital
