Sunday, November 10, 2013

Our Hearts Are Broken Today

To the victims of Sandy Hook:
Our hearts go out,

To those who’ve lost,

To those who lived,

To those who saw,

What one man did.


Our hearts go out

To those in grief

To those in pain

Who will never be the same again.


Our hearts go out

To the ones confused

To the ones who don’t

Know what to do.


Our hearts go out

To those in need

To those who cannot

Find relief.


Our hearts go out

To Sandy Hook,

Where so many search

But cannot bear to look.


Our hearts go out

To those who pray

In silent tears,

All the day.


Our hearts are

 With the children now,

Who new angels,

God has found.


Today our hearts do not belong,

To us we’ve found,

Though we are strong.


Our hearts belong

To those who need,

The comfort

And blessings,

Of God indeed.


Our tears are shed,

Our lives resumed

But not for those

Who’ve lost a few.


A Silent Prayer

Asking God

To heal the ones

Who lost those so fiercely loved.

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