Thursday, January 9, 2014


We live in a world of versus.

Coke vs. Pepsi

Edward vs. Jacob

Mac vs. PC     

Introducing the all new Kindle Fire HD vs. The iPad mini

Goldfish vs. Cheeze-its

Brother vs. Brother

School vs. Creativity

Art vs. Resistance.

These boundaries are put in our paths to shape our lives.

They determine what friends we have,

And what colleges we’re “allowed” to go to,

They determine how successful we’ll be…

Coke… and Pepsi

And out of the two I don’t even know which I prefer, I don’t know what I’m supposed to prefer.

Coz I mean I live in Utah, but I’m not from here.

Do you guys even drink Coke and Pepsi? Is that even allowed?

That’s besides the point.

I’m not athletic but my mind runs so fast I can’t keep up.

And I don’t wear the cutest clothes, but in my gray jacket I feel at home.

And it’s no secret that I suck at math, but I know




And the things I ate yesterday don’t define me today because today

I have a choice.




Coke or Pepsi?

Edward or Jacob?

Mac or PC?

Kindle Fire HD or iPad mini?

Goldfish or Cheeze-its?!

School or Creativity?

Art vs. Resistance.


And in this world of versus,

With an abundance of limited choices,

In the war of Coke vs. Pepsi,

I drink Dr. Pepper.
P.S. This semester has been amazing, it's been a real honor and pleasure, writing, reading, commenting, and crying with you. Don't forget me, because I won't forget you, and I'll keep posting, even if no one continues reading, because this blog has changed my life, and you have changed my life. So thank you all... for everything.
Let's kick A** tomorrow k guyz?


  1. I love the effort you put into this, and you performed it really well. When you said the part about Dr. Pepper I was all "whoooooa that's brilliant."

    1. Thanks :) I really liked yours too, it was awesome!!

  2. One of my favorites.
